Kettle Valley Railroad Trail
I live in: Tagish Yukon, Canada
My gender is: Male
My height is: 5 feet 10 inches (177.8 cm)
My body type is: Trim
My religion is: None
My marital status is: Single
My education background is: 2-yr College
My occupation is: Self employed
I prefer a lodging arrangement that is: Shared
I smoke cigarettes: No
I drink alcoholic beverages: No
My trip price range is: Budget, Moderate
My preferred trip length is: Medium/5-14 days, Longer/Over 14 days
My travel frequency is: Somewhat frequently/At least once a quarter
Months I prefer to travel: February, June, July, August, September, October
Regions I'd like to travel to: US North West, Alaska, Arctic Regions, Canada
The types of travel I prefer: Active, Learning Vacations, Leisure, Camping/Backpacking, Cycling, Sightseeing, Driving, Walking/Hiking
The types of destinations I prefer: Remote, Cold Weather, Resorts, Country, Mountains, Off the beaten path, Parks/Nature Preserves, Retreats, Small Towns, Nearby,
My interests are: Boating, History, Climbing/Mountaineering, Swimming, Museums, Personal Growth, Walking/Hiking/Trekking, Photography, Wilderness/Survival Skills,
About me:
I like hiking and biking in wilderness or historical areas. Roadtrips on remote highways where few others venture and finding hidden, little known gems in the wild. I
like exploring historic ghost towns and understanding its place in history.
My most memorable travel experience:
Theres so many, like: Crossing the Arctic Circle (twice). Hiking the Chilkoot Trail (twice). Floating in Liard Hot Springs at 3 AM under the Northern Lights (many
Second time across the Arctic Circle with Tyson
End of the Chilkoot Trail
Mount Yamnuska
On the Road with Tyson
Swimming in Tagish Lake
Stock car racing in Calgary